Hourly rates for lawyers at RWE Law range from $350-$600 per hour for lawyers, $200 for articling students, and $100 per hour for assistants.
For litigation, a standard retainer of $10,000 is usually required up front and is held in trust. Money in trust is your money until it is billed. Money left over following the closure of your file is returned to you.
Monthly statements of account may be provided that break down how our fees were accumulated, by time, and by description of the service performed. Statements of account are useful for you to determine whether you are receiving adequate value for your money. We strive to provide our clients with excellent value per dollar spent.
Hourly rates and minimum retainers may be adjusted based on the complexity of the work required, the time sensitivity, and the circumstances of the client. For example, a legal opinion letter may only require a $10,000 retainer, while a three day trial may require a $50,000 retainer. Give us a call, and we will be happy to discuss retainer agreements with you.